Yellow Flower Illustration
Yellow Flower Illustration
Yellow Flower Illustration
Yellow Flower Illustration
Caroline McCarthy Goettsch
Yellow Flower Illustration
Illustration of a Rose

April 10, 2024

Practice + Patience = Peace

If we can practice our strengths for a little bit more each day, why wouldn’t we?

If it isn’t an immediate threat, why couldn’t we try to patient for a little while longer?

We all have weaknesses and strengths from our pasts and we can always grow upon ​them. Why not now?

To know our unique strengths and weaknesses is a skill. It was tough to acknowledge ​my own pros/cons but then I began to understand what I could work on and that ​recognizing them makes us better people.

  1. What are we literally so bad it that we couldn’t handle on our own? What are we ​literally so good at that other people have been amazed by? Are we happy about ​that?
  2. What is one thing we have been meaning to do for a long time but keep it on the ​back burner? What would it be like to get it done?

These are just some personal examples of the tough questions we can answer to ​further think about how we see ourselves. It’d be nice if we could all work on our ​weaknesses while accepting pride over our strengths. We are not defined by a single ​skill or after a glimpse of conversation. We can define ourselves! It’s best to be honest ​and accurate in self reflection and to take it slow in order to grow. I think when we ​practice self reflection we can be happier and less judgmental of other people. When ​fewer judgements brew an increase of happiness, we will know peace.

Lesson #2023

Illustration of a Rose

JANUARY 1, 2024

It’s not necessary to give a great response to every possible question in order to be worthy. It’s not ​necessary to exhibit confidence in every situation to be accepted. It’s definitely not necessary to ​be anybody other than alive to experience joy. To show up can mean to be present right where ​you are. I’m not sure how far people can drift from a present moment, but I’ve seen how a fog ​doesn’t really provide any support. Being present/aware/cognitive works to provide more ​gratefulness in the life I live. The life we live and the choices we get to make, it’s cool. Actually, it’s ​so fun when you let it be. My new agenda is to just show up every day- to respond in the moments ​I chose to be in. In recent days, random acts of silliness and joy has allowed me to appreciate ​simple connections more. Simplicity has made such a mark on me. You’ve heard the phrase, ​“Slow and steady wins the race”. I like it. It’s such a power move to consistently show up for ​yourself and the people you love, especially when you can show up as the unapologetically ​unique self that you are and experience whatever flows along your way. Stay cool.

Illustration of a Rose


October 15, 2023

Looking for a new place

Maybe with a sweet new face

Where we can find a quiet spot

Alone with a natural view

Not under a microscope

Gentle steps along the coast

Filling the air with lots of hope

let’s keep going

Moving like a dream

Softly greeting our past as is

Remembering how long it’s been

Viewing us not so tough

Grateful we overcame that stuff

Losing myself in this moment with you

This is what i meant by “new”.

Illustration of a Rose

September 26, 2023


Time feels right when I can see the light.

I see more smiles in different sights.

Deeper breaths flow into my soul.

Brighter laughs with every role.

Everything is just right.

Appreciation for each flight.


I found a nail in my tire today,

Around the rim I heard you say,

"The things you do are not okay"

Taking me to a mental stay,

to find the peace you swell portray.

Through time, I find,

With the help of rhyme,

I‘ll plant a seed,

And surpass my every need,

Although I may still feel a crack,

Nothing new will hold me back.

Illustration of a Rose

August 1, 2023


I feel the warmth inside their home,

yet don't remember their last roam.

Greetings with a smile,

eager to share a story long mile.

My nerves subside at no surprise,

listening to their lives,

and becoming more the wise.

I know we cannot be apart,

their love remains within my heart.

Illustration of a Rose

July 24, 2023


Go soaring through the options

Stay clear of the well-known.

Like wandering through a whisper,

relief may come through your belief.

View your life from up above,

Quickly find your house of light

for you can return to the heights.

So be the screaming, shaking fear.

Be strong enough to feel whats near.

Illustration of a Rose

July 4, 2023

"Insecure leaders surround themselves with "yes people". ​Effective leaders surround themselves with people who ​challenge them."

Patrick Bet-David

Illustration of a Rose

I strive to resemble a free-spirited individual ​who believes in the importance of creativity ​and excitement in all areas of wellness. I ​hope we can maintain awareness of opportuni​ties to improve upon and take ownership of​ our skills and abilities to create a full​ and rewarding li​fe.